Software Development

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Both temporary reinforcement for crunch time, to permanent assets in the long run. Our team of software developers help you finish that project in time.

How we offer our service?

Pay what you want: We offer a simple, no-obligation payment system that allows you to pay whatever you like. We know what it is like to spend a few days working from your computer, so we are here for you. If you are still skeptical, please know that no money changes hands unless we reach our goal.

Warm deadline: Our team of programmers will be ready to work as soon as you tell us your deadline. We don’t need any paperwork or deadlines. We will work day and night if we need to, because we believe in your project and we want to see it succeed. We can’t guarantee, but we will do our best to make your deadline.

We have been overwhelmed by your support on our first campaign, and we have prepared an equally amazing lineup of perks. We are proud to announce that we have succeeded in creating a polished product and we want to continue to do this for everyone, from one backer to the next. Thank you!

What are the stretch goals?

We will get the funding for the features in the book, then keep expanding the stretch goals until we hit the funding goal for the book. We have a long list of features we want to include, and you can read the list in our original campaign. Every additional pledge gets us closer to the goal, and we’ll only improve this by reaching more stretch goals.

Burgemeester Adriaensenlaan 64
2450 Meerhout

Send us an email or drop us a line any time, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

We are available from 9am - 5pm week days.